Monday, February 12, 2018

Zoe Bands

Zoe Bands are here!  We ordered Zoe Bands to support the work they do with refugees who braved the journey across the Aegean Sea to seek refuge from war and destruction.  Check out their story here:


Friday, February 2, 2018

Busy Bees, Doing Good!

We've been super busy since our last post.  We've raised over $9,000 so far this year. 

We've donated to Best Friend's Animal Society and Pet Harbor, who were instrumental in helping save the lives of animals affected by the disasters in Texas and Florida. 

We've donated to the Unidos Fund through the Hispanic Federation for hurricane relief in Puerto Rico. 

We just wrapped up our most recent fundraiser, Coin War.  We've been learning about the refugee crisis around the world and will be donating to the Cisarua Refugee Learning Center in Jakarta, Indonesia.  CRLC is a school created by refugees for refugees.  We were honored to have one of the co-founders, Khadim Dai, speak to us about his journey as a refugee.  His story was moving and inspiring. Below is his bio and some pics.  Enjoy!